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Which particles have approximately the same mass?*
Nuclei of U-238 atoms are*
Which nuclear emission has the greatest penetrating power?*
Which particle has no charge?*
Which statement describes the relative masses of two different particles?*
Which phrase describes the charge and mass of a neutron?*
Which nuclear emission is negatively charged?*
Compared to an electron, which particle has a charge that is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign?*
Which list of nuclear emissions is arranged in order from the greatest penetrating power to the least penetrating power?*
Which particle has the least mass?*
Base your answers to questions 12 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
A student compares some models of the atom. These models are listed in the table below in order of development from top to bottom.
Using the conclusion from the Rutherford model, identify the charged subatomic particle that is located in the nucleus.*
Base your answers to questions 13 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
Cobalt-60 is an artificial isotope of Co-59. The incomplete equation for the decay of cobalt-60, including beta and gamma emissions, is shown below.
Compare the penetrating power of the beta and gamma emissions.*
Base your answers to questions 14 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
In the past, some paints that glowed in the dark contained zinc sulfide and salts of Ra-226. As the radioisotope Ra-226 decayed, the energy released caused the zinc sulfide in these paints to emit light. The half-lives for Ra-226 and two other radioisotopes used in these paints are listed on the table below.
Complete the nuclear equation below for the beta decay of Pm-147 by writing an isotopic notation for the missing product.
Base your answers to questions 15 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
Illuminated EXIT signs are used in public buildings such as schools. If the word EXIT is green, the sign may contain the radioisotope tritium, hydrogen-3. The tritium is a gas sealed in glass tubes. The emissions from the decay of the tritium gas cause a coating on the inside of the tubes to glow.
Complete the nuclear equation below for the radioactive decay of tritium, by writing a notation for the missing product.