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As a result of the gold foil experiment, it was concluded that an atom*
Which statement describes the distribution of charge in an atom?*
Which phrase describes an atom?*
According to the modern model of the atom, the nucleus of an atom is surrounded by one or more*
Which statement describes the location of two types of subatomic particles in a helium atom?*
What is the charge of the nucleus of a copper atom?*
Given a list of atomic model descriptions:
A: electron shells outside a central nucleus B: hard, indivisible sphere C: mostly empty space
Which list of atomic model descriptions represents the order of historical development from the earliest to most recent?*
The results of the gold foil experiment led to the conclusion that an atom is*
What is the charge of the nucleus of an oxygen atom?*
Which subatomic particles are found in the nucleus of an atom of beryllium?*
Which statement describes the structure of an atom?*
Which statement describes the charge and location of an electron in an atom?*
Base your answers to questions 13 on the information below.
The element boron, a trace element in Earth’s crust, is found in foods produced from plants. Boron has only two naturally occurring stable isotopes, boron-10 and boron-11.
State, in terms of subatomic particles, one difference between the nucleus of a carbon-11 atom and the nucleus of a boron-11 atom.*
Base your answers to questions 14 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
Elements with an atomic number greater than 92 can be artificially produced in nuclear reactions by bombarding a naturally occurring nuclide with a different nuclide. One of these elements is roentgenium, Rg. The equation below represents a nuclear reaction that produces Rg-272.
State the location and the total charge of the protons in a Ni-64 atom.*
Base your answers to questions 15 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.
A student compares some models of the atom. These models are listed in the table below in order of development from top to bottom.
State one conclusion about the internal structure of the atom that resulted from the gold foil experiment.*